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Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Marilyn @ Lipgloss and Spandex

    Dinner is my downfall. I can eat well all day and exercise, and then eat thousands of calories at dinner–and I’m not even that hungry!!!! My fiance frequently wants to eat out, and as a vegetarian, there aren’t always many healthy options (mac and cheese? delicious but not so healthy). And it’s just not fun eating bland, healthy food at a restaurant–especially when I could have just made it at home. Dinner time is also when we like to relax and have a beer or two.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I am so with you, Marilyn! I’m the same way. I eat well then dinner comes and I want more than I should!

  2. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hmm…I guess for me, my biggest struggle is just staying motivated over the long haul. I’m interested to see what others say!!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      The long haul is hard. Once it becomes habit it’s easier but I get what you mean.

  3. K @ Finding a skinnier me

    Finding foods that are healthy but convenient. I have a full time job, attend college full time and don’t get home till almost 10 pm most nights. Also finding foods that are healthy when eating out!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oooh good topic. Let me think on that one.

  4. Timmy

    I think it’s the guilt when you make bad food choices.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      The food guilt is a hard one. Every once in awhile I get sucked into that guilt but I have to remind myself that one mistake isn’t the end of the world and I can right the ship tomorrow.

  5. Marie

    Beer. I don’t even want to know how many calories are in the shit I drink. Not 64, that’s for sure.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Unfortunately, the beers I like are about 200 calories a pop! I won’t drink anything but those fattening IPAs…

  6. Marc

    For the past six months it’s been portion control. I’m eating alot healthier this year, but I haven’t been counting calories. So even though I’m eating much less processed sugar and carbohydrates, and eating more real food, i.e. real fruits, vegetables, real meats…I haven’t been losing weight very fast because I really haven’t gotten completely dedicated about portion size. I’ve figured that if it’s an extra piece of fruit, or serving of vegetable or another serving of meat, well, at least it’s not pizza, or fried chicken or ice-cream.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It sounds like you are doing pretty well despite the portion control. Cutting out processed foods & eating healthier stuff is great progress!

      Portion control is hard for me too. I always want more than I should. Probably because I was a binge eater.

  7. John

    Consistency. If I lost weight every week, I would have reached goal weight 2 years ago. Yet it is possible to lose weight for long periods (the longest I’ve had is 22 weeks) but sadly it always ends.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Are you hitting plateaus or losing focus?

  8. Deb

    My biggest hurdle is when bf wants to eat out. If I know where we’re going ahead of time, and I can research the menu online before we leave, I make a list of healthier options to choose from when I get there. But there are some places we eat out (a fish and chips place in particular) that packs a caloric punch. Luckily we only eat there about once every 6 weeks.

    The second biggest hurdle is bf likes to have dessert. I don’t think I need to explain that one… lol.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Restaurant eating is where I struggle too. The goodies, the bread or chip basket, the fattening drinks…it’s easy to go with a plan for healthy foods and then get sidetracked by the good stuff!

  9. Beth

    Definitely eating out is a challenge for me! Had been doing well this week and last night went out for Mexican and had way too many chips and 2 sangrias. I did not eat the tortillas that came with the fajitas but still I went way overboard. All I can do is start over again but I am SO much better when I eat dinner at home.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Mexican food is a hard one. The cheese, sour cream, chips… hard to resist!

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