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Instant Gratification or Long Term Goal?

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Marc

    With weight loss – small successes create motivation to continue. For many people getting started seems to be the biggest obstacle. I know a lady that has been dieting for the past 30+ years. She starts every January with renewed enthusiasm and gusto. By March her enthusiasm for the long term is gone, and she lectures everyone about body acceptance and being happy in your own skin. Her cycle of past failures seems to predict her future outcomes. But her mind set is all wrong. She sees dieting as a life of salads and deprivation of her beloved junk foods. Something she doesn’t want to let go of. There is too much emotional attachment to her bakery aisle goodies, and fast food drive thru munchies. Food is her emotional friend. It comforts her. It’s not her physical friend. She has all kinds of obesity related health issues.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Great example! This is exactly why I say it’s a LIFESTYLE CHANGE and not a diet. I do not deprive myself of ANYTHING I want. I just eat it within moderation. When we approach losing weight as a punishment, deny ourselves food and just eat salad, we’re setting ourselves up for failure. What I’ve done to change my life works. I ate pizza this weekend, drank some wine, last night I had 2 pieces of Halloween candy and I’m still maintaining the weight I lost. AND I don’t feel miserable because I’m depriving myself of things.

  2. Tiffany

    Well hello there!

    I just found your blog today and have got to say that after reading your philosophy of weight loss and how you lost your weight that I wanted to stand up and shout “AMEN!” If you read my blog you’ll see that I’ve also lost a significant amount of weight by doing the exact same thing (diet + exercise) and I to am convinced that it’s the only way to lose weight and keep it off for the long haul.

    Looking forward to reading regularly 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Congratulations on your weight loss! I’m glad you had success with the diet and exercise route. I will definitely check out your blog. 🙂

    2. Lisa Eirene

      I tried to leave a comment on your blog but wasn’t able to. Your transformation is AMAZING! You look wonderful and happy. You should be really proud of what you accomplished.

  3. Hannahviolin

    This post hit home for me tonight–I’ve recently (four days ago, ha!) decided to get serious about losing 20 pounds in the next 4 to 6 months after waffling and complaining for a year. Right now temptation is a serious challenge, but YES the long term benefits will be worth it! THANK YOU.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Perfect timing! I’m glad it spoke to you. Good for you making the decision to stop procrastinating and just do it–I know it’s hard, especially with the holidays coming up.

  4. Jess

    I’m a fan of balance. Sometimes instant gratification feels good, and as long as it is only sometimes (like once every few weeks) I don’t see a problem with it. Last night I wanted ice cream and I had 500 calories worth. But I haven’t done that for over a month, and I won’t do it again for a while. Like I said, balance. I am lucky that I can get right back on track after something like that. I know it can cause a downward spiral in some.

    So my philosophy is to focus on the goal 99% of the time, but to allow that 1% for saying “stuff it!” and eating too much ice cream 🙂 It has worked for me so far. I have lost 15kg in 10 months, and I only have another 3kg to go.

  5. Sara

    This is probably my favorite post! I have been using your “Do I eat it NOW or do I focus on my long term goal?” a LOT lately and it’s really helped me reframe me in moments when I am tempted by junk food/booze. Love it!!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s so great that it’s helping you! I can’t stress enough how it helped me lose my weight. I was super focused on my goal and that made it much easier to resist the temptations.

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