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Breakfast Lunch Dinner

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Carrie @ Season It Already!

    I love posts like these! Thanks for sharing your eats. Always gives me ideas!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I like seeing what other people are eating too.

  2. emmaclaire

    Thanks for the run-down on your maintenance menu Lisa 🙂 I have a silly question, though. What do you do with the other half of the can of tuna and the rest of the Almond Milk? Do you find you often repeat a menu to use up the partial servings you used the day before? That sometimes becomes a sticking point for me – how do I store it, how do I remember to use it the next day, how many times do I just finish it off the same day to get it out of sight, etc. Just curious how that works for you.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      The almond milk goes in the fridge. The one in the post was a single serving for 160 calories. I just put the cap back on and have it another day. As for the tuna, the kitties get the tuna juice and the leftover serving of tuna I put in tupperware for the next day’s lunch.

      1. emmaclaire

        A cap on the almond milk helps – the brand of individual soy milks I buy just have the little straw thingy 🙁 Thanks for clarifying!

        1. Lisa Eirene

          We get the almond milk at Costco. The larger one also has a cap.

  3. Biz

    I love your eats (well, except for tuna – ew!). And there is nothing wrong with buffalo sauce on anything – and truth be told, I would have sprinkled your egg with hot sauce too!

    I have to take insulin every time I eat, so I don’t snack very often – my meals are around 500 calories per meal and that seems to work for me. Just need to start working out harder! It takes me a couple days to recover being on my feet for 10 hours at the restaurant on the weekends for my part time job.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s great you figured out a way that works for you. I imagine having to take insulin multiple times a day reduces the desire to snack.

  4. Esther Renee

    What is the gluten free pasta that you use? I have only found one that I actually like, but it is a fresh pasta and gets yucky if not used. Would love to find a good dry pasta that tastes halfway decent!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It might be Barilla. I will have to check. The Trader Joe’s gluten free pasta is good, too. I actually prefer the TJ’s gluten free spaghetti over regular spaghetti.

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