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The Devil Can Wait

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Sarah

    Such lovely pictures from the hike! It looks so beautiful and verdant. πŸ™‚

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you, Sarah! I’m glad the photos captured the beauty out there.

  2. Laura is Undeterrable

    I am so ashamed of this – but I’ve never really been on a hike! I’ve lived in Portland since I was 7 and I’ve never been out on the trails. I need to change this. So lame.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s ok! Now you know some goods ones. The hikes over by Multnomah Falls are free, too, so that’s nice.

  3. Susan

    Beautiful hike! I hate hikes where I don’t know what to expect. Last summer we took a hike on a trail near our house, without looking it up ahead of time. It was a level 3, 4 mile trail that we were just not prepared for. It was miserable.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I am always skeptical of the ratings, too. There have been many hikes that Michael and I have been on that were classified as easy or moderate, but were more difficult. Like Multnomah Falls is considered “moderate: but I think that’s only because it’s ONLY a mile to the top and it’s paved. BUT that mile is super steep and there’s always someone who tries that hike and is carried down on a stretcher. No matter how fit someone is, Multnomah Falls will make your heart work hard!

  4. Finding a skinnier me

    That looks like an amazingly beautiful hike. I am really jealous of all that beauty you have to hike through!

    I actually just wrote on my blog that I was excited that summer was here so I can start hiking to waterfalls again soon!

    Last year I was really out of shape and there is a waterfall around my area called Bassi Falls. It is downhill there, but up a huge hill to get back, I was so out of shape that hill kicked my butt, I had to stop so much. This year I am hoping to tackle it and not stop as much, especially since I have been getting stronger. That hill was my tipping point last year, let me know that I had gotten way out of shape and needed to start working harder to get back to healthy.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      We are definitely spoiled in the NW with beautiful scenery for hiking and other outdoor activities.

      I think your goal of completing the Bassi Falls hike is a good one. I had a similar goal when I was trying to lose weight. There was a hike that I could never do because it was so hard and I’d have to rest every few steps. That first time I was fit enough to hike the whole thing felt AWESOME! You can do it!

  5. Jodi @ Jodi, Fat or Not

    Isn’t it great to attempt something you once did after losing weight?? That hike looked awesome! The way down is always the hardest for me too. I think it must put a lot more pressure on my knees.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yes, it definitely feels good!

      I never used to have knee issues, especially not with hiking, but just in the last year or so. I have to be careful. Man, old age…. πŸ™

  6. Erin

    I think Devil Rest to Angles Rest is the hardest hike I’ve ever done. The elevation change is a butt kicker! And to add to it when we went in March there was close to 3 feet of snow near Devils rest! But this is also one of my favorite hikes ever.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh! Thank you for saying that! I was feeling kind of like a wuss….

      I can’t imagine hiking it in the snow. We’ve turned around a few times when Wahkeena was too muddy.

  7. Sara

    Looks like a lot of fun!! And YAY for almost puppy-parenthood! You’ll love it…after they learn the basics. πŸ˜‰

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Do you have a puppy? Any tips?

      1. Sara

        I have 2 doggies πŸ˜› we adopted Jack as a 9month old dog and Daisy as a 2 mo puppy. Puppies are harder! And more expensive! Daisy had to see the vet for shots every 2 weeks!! Then she had to get spayed = $$$! But once they are big enough and house trained it’s MUCH more fun/easier πŸ™‚ Don’t buy peepee pads! Your dog will just eat them (if you get a puppy). I suggest adopting if possible. Too many dogs need homes. And they are cheaper than a breeder and typically better dogs without inbreeding issues. And I’d suggest doing a training class like Petsmart’s since if nothing else it’ll force you and Micheal to practice training the dog…something we didn’t do with daisy but did with jack and it paid off! And get ready to invest in paper towels until house trained. Not trying to scare you – Dogs are AWESOME! the puppy stages are just a little tough πŸ˜‰ But you can do it!

        1. Lisa Eirene

          Thanks for the tips! We are definitely going to get a dog from the Humane Society. I believe very strongly in rescuing animals. I would be open to an older dog, not necessarily a puppy. My only concern is that an older dog may not have been raised around cats and I want the transition to be as pain-free as possible for my kitties.

          1. Sara

            Most of the animal shelters will be able to tell you if the dogs are cat friendly or not. is also a good source with cat details, too. And no matter the age, an older dog can learn new tricks – as long as you’re patient πŸ™‚ Good luck!! How exciting!!

  8. Lisa

    Your pictures of nature is breathtaking! I personally prefer the mountains over the beach. I get too much sun where I’m situated at anyway. : )

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you Lisa! I love taking nature photos and it makes me happy when I get a few good shots!

      I love the mountains too. But I’m also a beach person. It’s a hard decision for me. πŸ™‚

  9. Jennifer

    With scenery like that, how can it be called Devil’s Rest? So gorgeous!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      My guess is because it’s a devil of hike! Ouch!

  10. Laura

    Girl, that chicken looks so good! And so jealous of your hike!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks! It’s my favorite new chicken recipe. The BBQ sauce is awesome!

  11. Roz@weightingfor50

    Wow Lisa, beautiful photos!!! Looks like a wonderful hiking setting. BTW…laughed at the pancake compromise!!! Have a wonderful Thursday.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Haha! Thanks Roz! I thought it was pretty funny too. I figured if I resisted long enough he’d agree to a compromise. πŸ˜‰

  12. Alison

    Your pancake story reminds me of when I make cookies. I have no problem whipping the dough together but then I don’t have the patience to sit and cook them all. I delegate that part

    Last year we went to Copper Falls State park in northern WI. I wouldn’t say it was really hard, but we don’t hike and it was insanely hot and humid. We were miserable by the end. πŸ™‚

    Gorgeous pictures!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I don’t mind making cookies but pancakes aren’t my favorite. I was happy to delegate. πŸ˜‰

      Humidity and heat are not a good combination. Luckily here we have mild weather and hiking in the summertime is usually pretty nice. I bet the Copper Falls park was beautiful, though.

  13. Yum Yucky

    Whoa. Images of pancakes & bacon on a blog make me wanna claw at the computer screen every single time. You should see the scratch marks on the screen right now. You owe me a new PC monitor.

    The hiking pics. It looks like you went frolicking through a magical forest. It’s beautiful!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      My sincerest, deepest apologies for tempting you with food p0rn on my blog!!!

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