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Bipolar 3 Mile Run

Bipolar 3 Mile Run

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Sheri

    Congrats on the 3-miler! 🙂 I totally hate the “Resolutioners” at the gym this time of year. Last year, I saw an old guy using one of the weight machines wearing khaki pants and a Cosby-style sweater! Needless to say, I never saw him again. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Hahaha that’s the best! I love the old dudes in the short shorts too. Yuck. 🙂

      I commend the newbies trying to get fit….I just get annoyed at the crowds and the lack of common sense gym etiquette!

  2. Kristina @ spabettie

    because they “resolve” to do something, and the gym is part of that something, in the new year – with the best intentions, of course.

    much of the reason I don’t really “do” resolutions… when I want to DO something, I don’t wait for a new year or specific date.

    waiting until the New Year to make resolutions is more about making the resolution than the commitment, for most. for some, it works, but it is the exception, which is why the gym is back to normal after a couple months!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Agreed Kristina. When I decided to get healthy I did in August–I didn’t wait until January. If I had I might not have done it!

  3. Beth @ Beth's Journey to Thin

    Tina from Carrots n Cake called them :”January Joiners” today and I loved it. I think people start off the year with good intentions, but you have to make a long term commitment to be able to go to the gym throughout the year and not just in the hyped up time during the new year or right before the summer.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Haha that’s funny. I love that name.

  4. Becky

    HAPPY THREE MILES!! YAY! I’m so excited for you. You have such dedication to the program to get healed correctly. That takes patience and determination. I’m proud of you!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks Becky! I’m pretty happy about my 3 miles!

  5. Lisa

    I know what you mean!! My first 1km or so of a run is always TERRIBLE! I find that I dont normally get completely in my groove until the 5km mark (which is a problem if I am running only 5km that day hehe)

  6. Jill E.

    i was discussing with my fiance 1. the amount of money they gym must make and 2. what the percentage of drop off rate it through out the year. i agree with kristina no reason to wait for the new year anytime of the year is a good time to start exercising.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I was wondering that too, Jill…do the New Year’s Resolutioners pay for a year upfront? That’s a lot of money to quit after a month!

  7. Lori

    Yay that the run got better and that you did 3 miles!

    I truly think the reason people quit is because they go all out with diet and exercise in January and just burn out. If you ease in and build up, you are more likely to stick with it.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s an excellent observation Lori…when I first started I actually started swimming 3x a week before I ever tried to tackle the food part. I knew I’d be overwhelmed (and I was procrastinating to be honest) but once I started doing both the food and exercise part the weight came off.

  8. There Are No Place-Backs At The Gym » 110 Pounds and Counting

    […] there’s the guys that wear too much cologne and sweat it all out. And my biggest pet peeve are the people that never wipe down the machines […]

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