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Have I Lost It?

Have I Lost It?

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Suzanne @WorkoutNirvana

    Awesome! Your core and strength training can only help your riding. And sorry it’s so chilly there! Was about 75 here today and 80 tomorrow.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      RUB IT IN! 🙂

      Yes! I am feeling pretty darn good right now so I think the strength training has helped tremendously.

  2. Jayme @ Still A Mile

    What a fantastic looking bike ride! My husband bought me a bike for Christmas and I’ve been dying to get out and ride it. Sorry to hear spin didn’t quite work out the way you wanted– I love spin class and I was kinda of hoping it would help me too 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Spin class DID help, just not in the ways I thought. Today I am feeling really good–no soreness or saddle soreness. And that’s half the battle with cycling. I hope you get to try your new bike soon!

  3. Karen@WaistingTime

    I find cycling class harder than riding outside! I guess because outside I can sometimes coast or get a downhill? I don’t know when I’ll get on my bike though, still waiting for my calf to heal.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I noticed that too, Karen. When I was out yesterday I had a “duh” moment when I realized I could coast outside but not in the class. Haha!

  4. Cheryle

    Wasn’t Saturday INCREDIBLE weather? I swear everyone in Portland was walking around with a goofy grin on their faces, I know I was! I love it when it’s sunny and not hot.

    My husband and I celebrated by taking one of our so-called “Epic Walks” – which is where we park in some random part of the city and just walk wherever our legs take us. Yesterday we parked at 19th and NE Broadway, walked over the Steel Bridge, then North along the waterfront/Naito to Lovejoy, then a left on 21st to Burnside. Then we worked our way back through the Pearl, over the Broadway Bridge and back to our car. Whew! So fun and we discovered a lot of neat things.

    Regarding your question, I don’t currently take any fitness classes but I find running on the treadmill WAY harder than running outside. I know most people say the opposite, but my times are always so much better outside. Maybe the scenery distracts me from how hard I am working. 😉

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It was absolutely wonderful on Saturday! What a nice treat in the middle of the gloomy spring we’ve been having. I LOVE your idea of “Epic Walks.” That sounds really fun and like a good way to explore the city. I might have to borrow your idea and try that on the next nice day here. Do you have the book “Portland Hill Walks”? A friend has that and loves the book. I’ve been thinking about getting it.

      As for the treadmill….I feel like the actual workout is harder on the street (i.e. I am more sore after running outside than on the treadmill) but I feel like mentally the treadmill is much harder. It’s so easy to get bored and quit.

  5. Cheryle

    Epic walks are really, really, fun and we always discover new things while on foot. For example, we came across an amazing little bistro on 11th and Marshall called “Via Delizia”. We had been walking for awhile and it was so charming and inviting with its little sidewalk table in the sunshine. We had intended just to get coffees, but that plan was immediately changed when we saw their absolutely AWESOME selection of homemade gelatos! There were probably twenty flavors (maybe more) and some were very unusual that you wouldn’t find anywhere else. I had an amazing carrot cake gelato with real pieces of cake in it … so amazing it was hard to limit myself to a small. 🙂

    I don’t have that book, but it sounds like a good one! Interestingly, our last “epic walk” a few weeks ago went up into the hills. We parked at 2nd and Clay and walked up into the hills to Washington Park. We “discovered” a moving Holocaust memorial that we had no idea was there! On the way back down the hills, we found a great little hole in the wall pub on SW Jefferson – I need to remember the name of that because they were soooo friendly and had a pretty impressive looking menu …

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That sounds lovely. It’s been years since I had gelato. There’s one in Sellwood I’ve wanted to try for years. I need to do that.

      I do a lot of walking during my lunch break at work and I’ve discovered a lot of cool places and cute neighborhoods as a result. Walking is a great way to discover new places.

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