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Wipe The Sleep Outta Your Eyes

Wipe The Sleep Outta Your Eyes

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Beth @ Beth's Journey

    I go through phases where I’m either really really consistent with morning workouts, or else I just totally blow them off for a whole week. I love working out in the mornings only because I like having my evenings free, but getting out of bed is SO hard. The gym for me is literally just upstairs from my apartment, so there really is no excuse.

    I WILL get up tomorrow for a morning workout!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m never a morning person, so it’s rare that I ever successfully get up early enough to do it. The weekend is the only time I workout in the mornings. I prefer it, but I just can’t get up!

  2. Michelle

    The hardest time for me to get to the gym is after a stressful day at work. You know the days when the mental drain just wipes you out? Those days.

    I would LOVE to be able to workout in the mornings. I am naturally a morning person and would really enjoy morning workouts. Too bad my life as single momma doesn’t really mesh with that! Oh well…. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Actually, the one time I am glad my workouts are after work is when I have a BAD day and I need an outlet! Getting out frustration, stress, anxiety at the gym is much better than taking it out on my boyfriend!

  3. Lori

    I don’t have trouble getting motivated to go to the gym because that is *my* time. I love lifting and I love biking, so I really look forward to doing those. It’s the eating that I have trouble getting motivated to keep under control LOL.

    The only annoyance I have is going to the gym and having the free weight section really crowded. My gym has gotten much more crowded lately, so I am thinking of moving my lifting workouts back to home after my membership is up this summer. I will miss the cable machine, but we do have a bowflex and I have some free weights.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yeah I hate how crowded my gym is. There’s actually a lot of things I don’t like about my gym but it has a pool–which I can’t just do at home. 🙁

      I never had motivation issues to work out but I DO have motivation issues to get up EARLY to do it!

  4. jim bonnell

    Lisa i see you use the polar watch/cals counter.Is there a model u can suggest for me i like to ride mtn bike,at 60 not to strenus but i think a counter would help u do more,theres so many your advice is appreciated,ive lost 70 lbs and gained 30 back over winter uggg lifelong problem your doing great your inspirational! Thanks,jim

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