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Verbal Vomit

Verbal Vomit

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Leah @ L4L

    I’m sorry you had a crummy day. I feel your pain on the knee thing for sure but I’m not ready to throw in the towel yet. (Can’t afford to – already registered for a half in June!) Don’t fret over 1.6lbs there is a margin of error (hormones, water retention, etc.) and that definitely falls into that category.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel either. And for the last few months I was increasing my running and mileage safely and without issue. I was happy to be running again. This setback is disappointing. Not sure what to do yet.

  2. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hi Lisa, I’m sending a GIANT hug down the coast from me to you. So sorry you had an overwhelming day yesterday. Keep the faith that days (and weeks) like this WILL end and there are brighter days ahead. Take care, wishing you a brighter day already today!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks Roz! The well-wishes are appreciated. 🙂

  3. Carbzilla

    I know days like that can be frustrating. Sometimes it helps to count your blessings and help yourself out of a bad, punishing mood. Vitamin B has really helped me, and I hardly ever get cranky while taking it. I can shrug off the bumps, and it makes life so much more enjoyable. (I started back with the lightbox too because I was afraid I was feeling symptms of SAD) I’m not saying you can’t enjoy a good frustration-enduced cry every once in a while but wouldn’t you rather not?

    This week I had to decide how upset I was going to get that my deli enchilada was actually a wet burrito. I figured, in the grand scheme of things, it was not a big deal (though I still counted the points as an enchilada which was probably lower – ha!)

    Hope you have a better day!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You know I’ve been taking Vitamin B for a few weeks. It’s helped a bit–much more than Vitamin D EVER did for me. But last night was just the accumulation of a lot of other stuff too.

  4. Jill

    So sorry about your bad bad day! Hugs to you!
    First off- I think we should get together and have a scale burning ceremony. I am like you… VERY affected by the number. When I think back to my wedding weight it was 135. My dress size… 12. Now I weigh 155 and I am in a size 8. The scale is ridiculous! You look amazing in your photo- you feel amazing… that is all the counts!!!
    I do relate to your frustration with not being able to run. I have been a stepper for about 3 years. It was my passion. This past Feb I had surgery and am still dealing with complications and am going on 10 months with no stepping. I miss it terribly. Thank goodness I found biking- but every time I go to a class that is followed by step.. I see my friends coming out all drenched in sweat and I am so saddened by my situation.
    I am so sorry that you have to deal with that.
    Hugs to you again!!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks Jill! You made me feel better. I would love to have a scale-burning party. It’s definitely a silly thing when I look in the mirror and feel okay about how I look. If my pants are loose, I should be fine, right? UGH! Stupid emotions.

      I can relate to your step class. I used to do the stairmaster at the gym. I LOVED it. I was drenched in sweat and burned a ton of calories on that machine. Then my knee issues made that impossible. SIGH.

  5. Candace

    That sucks! I’m dealing with a sore knee too and have stopped running this week. It’s so beyond frustrating and emotional when your body won’t let you do what you want.

    And the scale business takes me back to one of your previous posts where we discussed the exact same thing. You look and feel great, and that number can ruin everything in an instant. It shouldn’t have that much power over anyone! Let Michael get rid of it!!! Drop it off a bridge, throw it in the fire, run it over with your car, smash it with a hammer… – pick one, not all of the above 🙂

    Hope you’re having a better day!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It really is frustrating when our bodies don’t work right. I feel betrayed by my body sometimes. I work REALLY hard to keep fit and healthy and the fact that my knees are failing me is upsetting.

      I might have to hide to scale for awhile!

  6. Lori

    I know what the extra 2 pounds is – all that self confidence you carry around now after maintaining and being active all this time!

    Sorry your day was crummy and sorry about the running. When I finally gave up running after trying to deal with my leg issues, I actually felt relief. There are so many other things you love and can do. Running is just a very small part of life, even though you enjoyed it.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Lori-you made my day! I totally laughed at your comment about the 2 pounds. Maybe you are right. 😀

      I’m sure I’ll be much happier with life if I made peace with the fact that I won’t be a runner anymore. It’s hard. I guess I’m not ready yet.

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