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Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Ashley @ Coffee Cake and Cardio

    I love NSV!! Just having my clothes fit differently can make a world of difference.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      YES! I LOVE it when a pair of pants that were a tad tight are suddenly loose. It’s inspiring.

  2. Katie Squires

    love NSV’s so much more meaningful and empowering…no mind games 🙂

    Recent NSV’s 5 min plank! Zipped up a size 6 designer dress (didn’t buy it though, but still felt good!) and ran a half marathon in sub 2hrs (1hr 56 min)….I’m letting the scale go for a bit…we don’t get along very well right now LOL.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s a good reminder to celebrate the NSV.

      5 minute plank is awesome! And congrats on your half marathon.

  3. Esther

    I have had several NSVs in the last couple weeks!

    – I started doing squats last Monday and I’ve done them every day since, and I’ve noticed a marked improvement in my thighs, in addition to less back pain.
    – I can now do push ups easier, when I used to not be able to do any.
    – Last weekend my husband and I walked around downtown Philly and I was able to walk almost 6 miles total without purposely having to stop and take a break. My legs didn’t start hurting until about a quarter mile from the car. This is good for me, since I am usually not able to walk more than a mile or two at a time.
    – I’ve increased my plank time from 10 to 30 seconds (maybe I’ll eventually get to 5 minutes).

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Those are all great! Isn’t walking fun? It’s a good way to see a city and neighborhoods you’d never go to normally. And the squat thing is awesome. I noticed the same thing when I started doing squats on a regular basis. The change was noticeable almost immediately. I feel so much stronger.

  4. Sable@SquatLikeALady

    Okay, I love that your buttons match the shirt you’re wearing in your profile picture!!! I know that’s a silly thing to love but it just looks so neat.

    ANYWAY I love this post and relate to it quite a bit. My scale ALWAYS moves slowly – it took me 2 years to lose 60lb! So I have to focus on NSVs or I lose my dang mind. My fave is to get my blood checked – cholesterol, lipids, fasting glucose, etc. I can only do it once a year but those numbers slowly improving is the best kind of reassurance that I’m treating my body right.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you, Sable! 🙂

      Congratulations on losing 60 pounds. And I am with you…it took me just under 2 years to lose 110 and if I hadn’t celebrated the NSV I would have surely given up too. Plateaus were especially frustrating.

      My favorite NSV is also going to the doctor. When they check my rest heart rate and blood pressure, the nurses always ask me if I’m a marathon runner because the numbers are so great. That makes me happy. 🙂

  5. Mary (A Merry Life)

    Awesome post! NSVs are great and I try to celebrate them.

    My latest NSV was doing pushups. My husband was trying to see how many knee pushups he could do because they are easier. He did his then I said I’d give it a go…. and did 3 times as many. Haha. I love NSVs related to strength!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Pushups are hard. That’s so great that you both are succeeding at them!

  6. Deb

    Non-scale victories are the best! My latest was fitting a men’s Large t-shirt instead of an extra large. Its not quite as loose as I’d like, but it fits in a way that wouldn’t be embarrassing in public. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Way to go, Deb! Fitting into smaller sizes was always my favorite NSV. It’s a visual of your accomplishments!

  7. Miz

    I adore this as I celebrate the small stuff in all realms.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks for sharing, Miz! Good reminder of other NSV that aren’t body/health related.

  8. Jess

    I love NSV! Sometimes they are all I have. Recently I had had to have 2 of my watch straps shortened, because they no longer fit. That was my favourite NSV this month! I am also restricted to one pair of jeans because all my others are waaaay too big, and this pair of jeans didn’t fit me a month ago and they do now!

    Ha, take that, scale!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      WOW! Those are awesome! I especially like the watch NSV. That must feel so great. When I was losing weight, I never thought about my shoe size, watch, jewelry etc being effected by the weight loss so when it happened I was shocked. I couldn’t wear any of my rings and a lot of my bracelets had to be given away because they just fell off.

      I agree! Take THAT scale!

  9. Jodi @ Jodi, Fat or Not

    I love this post! I’m really bad at celebrating NSV’s…I always want to immediately move on to the next goal without enjoying what I’ve accomplished. It’s something I’m trying to work on. I had a great NSV this week…realized I could have a hair bad around my wrist without it cutting off circulation to my hand…it was a great feeling!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Great job! I’d forgotten about the hair band thing. I did the same thing back in the day.

      (And I’m with you, I am very goal oriented…one of the reasons I struggled a bit once I reached goal weight. I was like “now what?!?!”)

  10. Beki

    I am currently battling a plateau. I’ve got over 100lbs to lose and I’m stuck at about 25-30lbs lost and little movement on the scale for the past few weeks. NSVs are the best! Today I jogged almost continually for 2.5miles. That is a MAJOR achievement for me! I started jogging, MyFitnessPal (and reading your blog) in January. I have three 5Ks planned for this summer and I feel good about my slow and steady progress. Another NSV, I now fit into 3 pairs of pants that were in my “too small for now” box for over a year. And several pairs of pants that I was wearing throughout the fall and into the winter are so baggy I can’t wear them anymore. Thank you for your blog. You are a major inspiration for me! Your awesome and frequent posts help me stay motivated.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Great job, Beki! That is awesome that you were able to job for 2.5 miles. I remember when I could FINALLY run without taking walking breaks. It felt really good to be able to do that. I’m glad you enjoy my blog! Thanks for reading. 🙂

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