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Well, We Made that Harder Than it Had to Be…

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Courtney

    It sounds like you may have stumbled upon one of the many forest service roads. Glad you found your way back!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Probably! I was disappointed that we never found the right trail or saw the waterfalls. I’m also glad that we didn’t get too turned around and found our way back.

  2. Finding a skinnier me

    Sounds familiar. My husband and I grew up in small town with lots of forests and hiking trails on one side and the ocean on the other. I had been to this one waterfall a lot as a kid, but never as an adult, so I got the idea that we should hike to it before we moved to the city. Everything started off fine, till it started raining and we took the wrong trail. We ended up hiking for hours and came out the other side of the trail unto the freeway. We had to finish walking into town, soaked to the bone and exhausted, to call a friend and have them give us a ride to our car. We never did get to see the waterfall again either.

    The wine tasting sounds like fun though, I have always wanted to do wine tasting!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh no! That definitely sounds worse than my experience this weekend. At least this weekend I knew that I could just back track the way we came.

      Glad your story ended somewhat well, even if you didn’t get to see the waterfall. Wine tasting is really fun and usually fairly cheap.

  3. Lisa

    My worst hiking experience – convinced my sister and her then boyfriend to go hiking with me. We parked one car at a nature center at the bottom of the mountain, and drove the other car to the National Park where the trail head was. The trail was supposed to go down the mountain and end up at the Nature Center and took a little less than 2 hours. Somewhere along the way we got off the trail and ended up hiking along the edge of the mountain, until we were at the back of the mountain near a college. Being somewhat familiar with the mountain, we knew if we walked out to the main road we could walk back to the car at the park. So we walked, and walked and walked. We had no water and no snacks, but my sister had enough money to buy a soda out of a machine at a closed gas station. So she bought a can of DIET COKE for us all to share!! I was so irritated with her – we needed something with sugar!! Finally we got back to our car, 4 hours later, drove to the bottom of the mountain and got the other car out as they were closing the gates to the nature center.

    My other bad experience involves hiking in the dark, so I hike with a flashlight regardless of where I am or the time of day.
    Your trip sounds like it was fun!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Wow, that would definitely be considered a bad hiking experience. In general I carry a backpack with a few protein bars and granola bars in it. I have most of the hiking essentials–water tablets, compass, matches, etc etc. One thing I don’t have is a flashlight. That’s a good reminder that I need to pack that in my bag.

      And yes, a REGULAR coke would have been much better for you guys!

  4. Alex Bridgeforth

    Well, I wanted to get to Huachuca Peak, but took a trail that the arrow was pointing down. It became really steep and then the trail ended. Still being young my buddy and I blazed our own trail until it peak and then we decided to just hike back along a creekbed it was fun but very disappointing.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You’re definitely brave! I am usually reluctant to go off trail much (as illustrated in my experience on Saturday). But if I had a GPS system I might be more willing to give it a try.

  5. Erin

    I went to Sauvie Island last summer with a friend and we couldn’t find the trail head. We started down the beach figuring we would run into it at some point but never did. We ended up hiking on the beach/ wading in the Columbia River, for 2-3 miles. Then had to climb through some blackberries before we found the trail! We took the trail back to the car. It was quite the adventure and fun in retrospect 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That is definitely not a great hiking story but I’m glad you can laugh about it after the fact. I still haven’t spent much time on Sauvie’s Island. It’s on my list. Although, I’ll skip wading through the river. 🙂

  6. Lori

    I haven’t had a bad hike experience as I have only been on a couple LOL! It is scary to get almost lost, though. Not really lost, but thinking you could get lost.

    I don’t mind coleslaw on my BBQ, because this is kind of standard, but if you are serving me BBQ – it better be southern style! 😀

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I had REAL BBQ when we went to Texas and ate a Franklin’s. Oh my god was that good!

  7. Roz@weightingfor50

    DESPITE the hike hiccup, looks like a great weekend. Love the wine tastings, and your photos are really lovely. Hope your week goes well.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Wine tasting is my favorite spring/summer activity!

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