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Looking to 2016

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Manda

    Sounds like awesome goals! 🙂 And isn’t Ingunn (trail snail) adorable?

    Loved your post on Trillium snowshoe. I’m dying to get out, but currently sorta shelved with a back injury. Talk about stir crazy….

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Yes! I love Ingunn’s post. They are inspiring. I wish we could have done more hiking this Fall/winter.

      Sorry to hear about your back. I hope it heals fast so you can get out there. Something tells me it’s going to be a good snow year!

  2. Biz

    That’s just the thing, every baby is different so you won’t know what to expect, but I do like your goals – you’ll laugh that my goal is to read TWELVE books this year – which would be an increase of 10 books in the last ten years – ha!

    I used to follow a popular blogger who had a baby and before the baby was born she wrote our her whole schedule for the first month the baby was born – not kidding it was like “wake the baby at 6:00 a.m. – feed the baby at 6:15 a.m., bathe baby at 6:45 a.m.” and I was like “girl, you have no idea what’s in store for you!”

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m sure it will take time to figure out everything and figure out what our new “norm” is. I’m trying not to have expectations and just see what happens. That is too funny about the schedule. I am ALL about schedules and routines and controlling things but even *I* know that doesn’t happen with a baby! LOL

  3. Marianne

    Just love your photography! We have been having 82* weather here in Central Florida. It is more like summer!! I think Bella is so cute. Hope every is going well for you.

  4. Jan

    Bella looks so happy all the time. I want to work on my side business which in my eyes easy money. It is dog sitting. I also need to stop and get control of my love affair with carbs. I have issues with that one!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks Jan! Yes, Bella is a very happy puppy. We got lucky with her. 🙂

      I think dog sitting is a great goal for a side business. I’ve contemplated doing something similar. Maybe some day. I’d much rather spend my time with animals anyways. 🙂 Good luck!

  5. Ingunn

    Aaaw yay! Hiking as a family has been so much fun for us. At first, it was the perfect way to get out of the house while Nora napped in the carrier, and now it’s so much fun showing her the outdoors. She knows how to click her tongue when we see squirrels and chipmunks, and she can say things like snow and mushroom (in Norwegian), it’s so cool to see her learning!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It looks like fun for you guys and like Nora is really learning a lot by being outside. I think it’s fantastic!

  6. Fran

    I like your goals for this year! And it won’t be a surprise to you that I look forward to more hiking reports. I always enjoy them a lot.

    I recently bought a Nikon D3200 and all the buttons and possibilities are sometimes overwhelming. Right now I mostly use the automatic setting 🙂 But I signed up for a Nikon workshop on the 17th where they explain the camera to you and afterwards I am going to practice with the camera. The location is at the zoo so that should be fun.

    I wish you a happy and healthy 2016 and look forward to following you this year.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I really hope the weather cooperates this spring for more hiking! I miss it.

      Nice camera! I totally understand feeling overwhelmed. When I first got my Canon 5 years ago (or so) it was overwhelming teaching myself all the buttons and features but trial and error really helped me learn how to use it out of auto mode. And I took a few photography classes which helped a lot, too. Have fun!

  7. Jenn

    I wouldn’t worry too much about losing the weight – between the breastfeeding and taking care of yourself now, you should be fine. I had a baby in November (he’ll be 2 months on Saturday!) and, like you, spent my pregnancy keeping an eye on what I was eating and working out (although not as hardcore as you are) and was shocked at how fast I lost the weight. I still have 5 pounds or so to go, but I was back in prepreggers jeans (unbuttoned) about 2 weeks after I popped him out. The breastfeeding calorie burn is no joke.

    As far as your book goal, as long as you’re breastfeeding, you’ll have PLENTY of time to read. My Kindle was my best friend. 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you for the comment and reassurance Jenn! It’s nice to hear other experiences from new moms and how it went. I am trying not to focus too much on the “after” right now because in all reality, I won’t be trying to lose weight for another 4-6 months anyways. But it’s still in the back of my mind. I am happy the pregnancy is going well and I’m excited about our baby, but at the same time I’m ready to have my body back!

      Congrats on your little one! 🙂

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