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How to Lose Weight – Week Four

How to Lose Weight – Week Four

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. Lisa

    I am glad to see this week’s topic! This is something that I struggle with. When I did Weight Watchers 10 years ago I was working and single. I found a combo of foods I liked and ate the same things over and over and over. I found exercise that I enjoyed and did the same things daily (with variety on the weekend). I consistently lost 2 lbs a week. Now I’m older, married and a stay at home mom and I’m having a hard time.
    I’m exercising like crazy, eating less and eating healthier but I’m not losing weight. My body shape is changing. So, I don’t know if I’m not getting enough food – based on the equipment info, in exercise this morning I burned off more than I ate for breakfast – or if I need to get into a set rotation of the same foods to get better control.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s so much easier to lose weight on your own when you’re in complete control.

      I’m not a dietitian but you can email me and we can talk about what you eat now if you want. Sometimes an extra set of eyes help. 🙂

  2. Vince Neal

    I’m a guy with pretty good muscle mass so maybe my approach is atypical and not for all. But I am 50, so I’m sure my metabolism is nowhere near what it used to be. I think that by far, the best advice I’ve ever heard for losing weight and adopting a healthy eating lifestyle is to only eat when you’re hungry. I know this goes against the CW of “don’t skip meals” and “eat 5 smaller meals” every day. By adopting a strategy of only eating when I’m hungry, I actually end up skipping dinners occasionally during the work week and often skipping breakfast and lunch on the weekends. Bottom line – I’m eating a lot less food than if I forced myself to eat 3 square meals a day or 5 smaller meals a day. I am not, by any means, involved in some self-punishing, ascetic lifestyle. I found that after I had reduced my food intake via very small portions or skipping meals entirely, my hunger was reduced as my body adapted.

    Only eating when you’re hungry may sound alien to many but we, as a society, eat far more food and calories than we need. Once you start to reduce the amount of food you eat, it becomes much easier for you to get in contact with your “actual hunger” as opposed to your “perceived hunger.” And, you’ll find it significantly of a lesser nature than you thought.

    Again, this may go against the CW, but one eating method that has been found to be very healthy in several different ways is intermittent fasting…i.e not eating for 24 hours (or more). This is said to have very significant benefits including improvement in one’s cholesterol metrics and life expectancy. To me, that’s a direct message that we are simply eating far more than we need and far more than we should. Just food for thought…; )

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It sounds like what you’re more interested in is Intuitive Eating. That way of eating doesn’t necessarily promote fasting but it does promote listening to your body and eating when you need to. I do a mixture of Intuitive Eating and Calorie Counting. I know for me that counting my calories is a must to stay on track. But the “listening to my body” part of IE works really well for me too.

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