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Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze?

Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze?

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. The Boyfriend

    It’s time for you to do serious interval training.

  2. Sara

    I think you are more than ready to go to that boot camp friend again…that’ll give you some good ideas AND a change in your workout!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s a GREAT idea! I do need to call Christian and have another session.

      1. Sara

        πŸ˜€ glad I could help πŸ˜‰

  3. Lori

    I hear you on the chubby thing. Isn’t that weird?

    I don’t think you need longer cardio, you just need smarter cardio. Like Michael says – intervals are the way to go. Plus, keep up your strength training.

    You can also max that out by doing supersets where you move from one body part to another will little to no rest in between. That can get your heart rate up and keep it up! Plus it gets the lifting done faster LOL.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It is weird! I haven’t gained weight. My pants fit still, yet I feel chubby. Stupid hormones.

      You know, for awhile I was really into intervals and also doing supersets. I need to get back to that. It was fun and quick!

  4. Elizabeth@GenuineEfforts

    What about playing a sport? I know you don’t like traditional team sports but have your thought about roller derby? Or rugby?

    I think you’d be pretty amazing at derby- you seem fearless.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      No no no no. πŸ™‚ So not a sporty person. PLUS I am kinda uncoordinated!

      1. Elizabeth@GenuineEfforts

        Okay, if you’re uncoordinated what about a dance class that isn’t a group exercise class. Like swing dancing that you and your boyfriend tried together? Or a beginning adult ballet class? Or ballroom? Might give you some coordination and grace as well as skills you could use at a wedding or something.

        I’m just trying to think of something outside the box and you’d only need to do it for 6 weeks or so before you went back to biking/running.

        1. Lisa Eirene

          I took a ballroom dancing class in college! It was fun but HARD. Michael would never take a dance class with me, but I might be willing to try it again.

  5. Louise

    HILLS. You definitely need to ramp up the inclines and increase the amount of time running up hill.
    I get those horrible bloated (hormonal) days and sometimes the scale will go up a smidge for 48 hours or so but then settles back down (I’m so jealous that men don’t have to contend with this – please additional hunger that goes with). I’ve also found that for no apparent reason, running on these days can feel like running through treacle but without the fitness gain!!! – just so tiring.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I have to be careful of hills with my IT Band issues. I have been adding some light hills on the treadmill lately but I’m taking it very carefully.

  6. Karen@WaistingTime

    I wrote a post not long ago about my similar thinking. I realized that while I was putting in the time (which I have no excuse not to since I don’t work) I was not working out as hard as I should be. I got a similar comment to the first one above – intervals. And I love that they make the workout seem to go by faster! When I researched interval training in the past it was interesting to discover that you can get as good a workout with intervals as you could if you stayed at the higher intensity the whole time!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I need to go read your post on it. Perspective is a good thing. I’ve raved about intervals for a long time. I used to do them running all the time and felt AWESOME. I just got out of the habit.

  7. Ally

    Have you tried Bodyrock? Bodyrock.tv.

    I love bodyweight exercises — it’s how I got started! I did them in the quiet of my own apartment, lost my first 10 pounds, and then signed up for the gym. However, after being poor and unable to afford a gym membership years later, I started doing these to miraculous results. They are NOT easy! Highly recommended!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I will give them a look! Thanks!

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