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Running is Hard

Running is Hard

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. Ingunn

    Thanks, this is a timely post for me – I’m heading out for a run today for the first time in, well…I can’t even remember the last time I went for a run. It might have been in 2010. It’s going to suck, but feel great afterwards.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I need to start charging for my psychic abilities…people have said several times this week that my posts were timely for what’s going on in their lives. 🙂

      Take it easy out there! Don’t hurt yourself. I think it’s great that you’re getting back to it. Are you a trail runner at all? I see your gorgeous posts that look like really nice places to run.

      1. Ingunn

        Phew, I’m back. My run was just as unimpressive as I thought it would be (and everything hurt, mostly in a good way!), so things can only get better. :o)

        I stick to trails whenever I can, it’s more comfortable, fun, and motivating to me than pavement.

        1. Lisa Eirene

          Wow! Good for you! Do you have a foam roller? Foam the crap out of your legs.

  2. Candace

    I am a beginner runner and I really appreciate this post!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s great Candace! What made you want to start running?

      1. Candace

        Hi Lisa,

        I’m lucky to have a small “gym” at work, so about two years ago I started working out at lunch 4 times per week. I always wanted to work up to jogging/running on the treadmill to lose weight but I found out right away that I HATED to run. I got side stitches every time, my ankles hurt, I was out of breath, it sucked! So I just walked and did strength training instead. But the fact that I felt I “couldn’t” run always bothered me. I read a lot of fitness/weight loss blogs and did compare myself to those women who would run several miles per day.

        Just recently, literally 2 weeks ago, I decided it was all in my head – my body was capable of doing it. So I ran 2 miles – first time ever – then a few days later ran 3 miles for the first time in my life. Now I’ve decided to master 2 miles until it becomes easy, then work back up to 3 – baby steps.

        I finally realize why people like to run, it sucks the entire time but afterward you feel awesome. It can be discouraging to read other blogs where the runners make it seem almost effortless and never talk about hard it is, or the injuries/discomfort it can bring. Thanks for speaking the truth!

        1. Lisa Eirene

          Candace- running definitely growson you. It takes time to like it and I found that I liked it once it got easier for me. When I was struggling to catch my breath or figure out pacing, it was hard. When I got used to a routine I loved it. Then I loved seeing my progress!

          Running is definitely mental. I can talk myself out of a hard run pretty easily. You kinda have to trick yourself.

  3. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hi Lisa. Your comment about stop comparing yourself is perfect for running, and ALL aspects of our healthy living journeys. Hope you have a great Friday.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It’s hard for me to do, but easy to say. I still compare my abilities to others. I think a little healthy competition is okay, until it makes us do things that can lead to injury…

  4. Lydia (@InhabitTheBeauty)

    I, too, am a beginning runner. I’m on Week 5 of the Couch to 5K program and am getting nervous for Sunday’s 20 minutes of straight running. I have always been afraid of running, thanks to some mean comments in elementary school. Now that I look back, I am so mad at myself for letting things bother me for so long. I’ve tried and failed at C25K numerous times, before. For some reason, this time seems really different. I think a big reason is that I’m finding lots of blog posts like this one (by “normal” people) and have garnered a lot of support from the community I’ve curated on Twitter. Thanks for being a part of that!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Hi Lydia- congrats on doing the C25K program. I never did it but it sounds like it’s a really solid program for starting out. Don’t let other people discourage you. I’m glad you are getting support from blogs and Twitter. The running community online is SO nice and supportive!

  5. Going Steady

    Great post! I definitely needed this inspirational boost and it’s much appreciated.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Excellent! Glad to be a boost. 🙂

  6. Eleah

    This is great timing for me for this post.. I got back less than an hour ago from my longest training run of the season.. 4 hours.. and it could of been a lot better. I hurt!

    I also knew right away when I was really injured because I couldn’t even step down on my foot without breaking a few tears.

    I think that running is about 70% mental. I also use a lot of tricks on my left brain to keep me moving forward. Breaking up a run into shorter sections helps too.. like you said, “Run to that light post.” And it also helps to not feel down when I have to take a walking break.. I”m not superwoman.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      A 4 hour runner?! Holy moly! How many miles did you do?

      When I got injured last year I knew right away too. It’s a DIFFERENT kind of pain. There’s no tricking your brain into thinking it’s not an injury.

  7. Lori

    I am officially done with running. I just could never get back what I used to have before I herniated my disk, although I have tried. I don’t like running enough to keep trying to bring it back. Once I start crying over running, that has to be it. It isn’t the same as before when running had it’s hard moments. Now it just doesn’t feel right.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s too bad. I can relate. I felt that way when I was trying to rehab this year. Lots of tears.

      I think it’s ok that you’re officially done. You don’t have the passion for it? You have passion for biking! That’s great.

  8. sugarmagnolia70

    OMG Lisa, what a post! As I lay here injured and unable to run, I miss running. I agree—it doesn’t matter what you’re training for (if anything)…how fast you are (6 minute mile? 14 minute mile?) All that matter is running, breaking through your physical and mental barriers.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      OH NO! You’re injured?? 🙁 Hang in there. You’ll be back!

      1. sugarmagnolia70

        just my plantar fasciitis acting up again. I’ll be back!

        1. Lisa Eirene

          Ugh. Stupid PF. I hope you feel better soon and are right back at it.

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