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72 Inches in 72 Hours

72 Inches in 72 Hours

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Karen@WaistingTime

    The most snow I was in for any period of time was the Blizzard of ’78. I lived outside Boston at the time. There was a ban on all driving and I remember our family taking a sled to the store to buy milk. But the biggest snow fell on our vacation house in New Hampshire when we weren’t there. We showed up soon after to find a drift between the car and the front door that was well over my parent’s heads!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh wow! That sounds exciting! I’ve never been in that bad of a snowstorm. I think it would definitely be a crazy memory. Sounds like you guys made the best of it.

  2. Lisa

    The most snow I’ve been in is 24 inches that fell the first week of March, in the blizzard that hit the south in 1992. I got snowed in away from home. It was probably for the best because my apartment didn’t have power and getting out of the complex was impossible for 3 days. That was a storm to remember!
    Your trip looks like fun! I’ve been to Bend before and stayed in one of the resorts, but it was during the summer. We went white water rafting while there. It seems like it’s a great destination to visit in the summer or the winter!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Wow! That sucks. Glad you weren’t trapped somewhere without power or heat. There was one year that it snowed several feet over night in Portland and I was trapped at Michael’s house for a week. Luckily my neighbor had a key to check on my kitties. There was so much snow that year.

      Bend is a great place to visit year round. We’ve only been in the winter time so far. We’d love to go in the summer and take our bikes. Someday!

  3. Roz@weightingfor50

    Wow Lisa, that looks like a REALLY amazing day!!!!! We had a few HUGE snowstorms when I was a kid in Calgary. They RARELY closed schools, but I remember staying home and going out to play in snow that was as high as I was. My Dad wouldn’t be able to get to work because the snow was so bad the roads were closed and the busses weren’t running. Thankfully, we live on the coast now, and snow like that is pretty rare.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I think other parts have a much better infrastructure for lots of snow. I’m sure Canada does it right! Oregon, not so much. Honestly we don’t get a ton of snow.

  4. Ingunn

    We went snowshoeing (with our friends and their 10-week old baby!) on Sunday, and I’ve never ever seen snow like this in the Cascades. So much fluffy powder! Usually our MSR snowshoes keep us afloat in anything our mountains can dish out, but when we started breaking trail this time, we were sinking several1-2 feet with every step! Insane.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Us too!! Our snowshoes are really nice (tubbs) and we rarely have that issue but this time the snow was super soft and powdery. Once we lost the trail in Edison Butte we turned around because we were sinking so much.

  5. Jill

    The most snow I have seen is 3 feet. It was so much fun!! Your pictures are GREAT! I have never been snowshoeing before- but I think it is now going to be added to my bucket list!!! Sounds like a really great time!!!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You should definitely add it to the list! It’s so much fun and a really good workout.

  6. Deb

    Me: Wow! 72″ of snow! That’s 6 feet!
    Bf: That’s more snow than we get in a year!
    Me: That’s more snow than we get in 10 years… lol.

    I can;t imagine even seeing that much snow anywhere- that’s enough to bury someone standing up in. O.o

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It was A LOT of snow!!! I was shocked.

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