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Enjoy the Moment and Breathe

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hi Lisa, its so important to find stress release isn’t it? I’m a HUGE fan of yoga. I haven’t been for a couple of months (my gym changed their schedule) and I notice that I’m not sleeping as well, and tend to get stressed a little more easily. Time for me to find a new class, or at least a couple of dvd’s to do at home while I find that class. Have a great Tuesday.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Interesting correlation! I need to look into that.

  2. Deb

    We’ve had a rough start to this year. On Friday, bf’s brother was admitted to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy; he just went home on Sunday. Add in bf’s dad is disabled, and bf is doing a lot for him and his brother until his brother is recovered in a few weeks. We’re also both been sick, and just lots of little things piling up.

    Hopefully after his bro recovers things will get back to normal and better.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’m sorry to hear about the brother. I hope he is okay!

      1. Deb

        He’s doing better now but he had a lot of bad reactions to the anesthesia after the surgery. He was able to take a hot shower today, and he said he felt a lot better after that. Hopefully the rest of his recovery will go quickly. 🙂

        1. Lisa Eirene

          Oh that’s awful. Hope he gets better soon. Years ago I was in the hospital for over a week and I remember that first shower when I got home. Amazing!

  3. Michelle @ Eat Move Balance

    Way to turn things around over the weekend. I agree with needing a “reset” sometimes to get myself out of a funk. Hope this week is better for you!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I watched Downton Abbey last night and it helped a little. 🙂

  4. Jane

    Sorry you have had a rough start to the year. Too funny though — I just went snowshoeing for the first time ever as well! It wasn’t at bad as I thought it would be … and it was fun to get outside and do something. Enjoying the moment is so important!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s so great! I LOVE snowshoeing! It’s my favorite winter sport. Glad you tried it.

  5. Daphne @DaphneAlive

    At first I thought you meant you where IN NE Alberta! But it must be an address I’m guessing! I got a little excited! Haha!

    I de-stress by distracting myself I suppose. Reading, writing, surfing the web and so on.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Haha! Well after the week I had, I would have gladly escaped to Canada….

  6. Lori

    Sorry you had such a stressful week. I have to leave the house when I get stressed, especially if it is work related. Since I work at home, completely getting out helps distance me from that.

    My favorite thing other than a bike ride is to just go out for some coffee and relaxing.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I love that you bike to coffee and relax. Great idea to de-stress.

  7. Jess

    I hate those weeks! Sorry you had a bad few days, I hope it has all brightened up for you. Working out is my go to stress relief, it is amazing. My fitness greatly improved after my ex left me, coz I was so emotional that the only place I could let it out was at the gym! I think it just gives ou time to be in your own head, ya know?

    BTW, I emailed you a few weeks ago about things to do in Vegas. Well I’m at the airport now and will be in vegas in 2 weeks. Thanks for all of Suggestions, I am going to try and hit as many as possible!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I’ve definitely used the gym to work through breakups! So good for that!

      YAY! Enjoy Vegas! I cannot wait to hear about your trip. 🙂

  8. Matt @ The Athlete's Plate

    I decompress by TV + couch + my girlfriend 🙂

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I did that a lot this weekend. Kind of had a little pity-party-Law & Order-marathon on Sunday. 🙂

  9. I ❤ 2 Eat

    Tough stressful weeks suck! Glad you’re out of it. 🙂 I’ve just been having tired weeks lately…some stress last week for me, too. I lose sleep when I’m stressed, when I feel like sleeping is what I need to do…haha. Decompressing for me involves watching light-hearted movies, spending time talking to family, or reading.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Are you reading anything right now?

      I agree, watching movies or mindless TV helps. I’m watching Downton Abbey. 🙂

  10. Hilary

    When the stress gets to much for me I love to workout, which doesn’t always happen or I put on the headphones and escape for a bit

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Do have specific music that helps?

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