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N is for Nemesis

N is for Nemesis

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Karen@WaistingTime

    Can I only have one!? I’d say bread and cereal.

    I have a Jello sugar-free pudding cup most nights for dessert:)

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You can have several! Bread is a common one. And it seems like everyone I follow on Twitter is obsessed with cereal. 🙂 I have to admit, I’ve had cereal for dinners many times!

      Pudding is a good dessert. It satisfies a lot of cravings.

  2. Beth

    So lately I’ve been adding some of the sugar free/fat free chocolate pudding powder mix to my FF plain Greek yogurt and it tastes chocolately and it is very filling! A few years I gave up dessert in the evening – I am fine with having a cup of decaf coffee (I like hazelnut or french vanilla) or tea and that is enough to signal to my brain that is the end of the meal.

    My nemesis I would have to say is SALTY CRUNCHY stuff. And these days I’m just not having it, not even a little bit. There will be room in my life for pita chips again but while I’m really trying hard to see the number on the scale go down I’m just not even playing with having smaller portions.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I never thought about adding pudding mix to plain Greek yogurt. That is a fantastic idea that I will definitely be trying soon! I love that idea as a dessert.

  3. Jill

    I had 2 BIG nemesis. Peanut butter and cereal. For the peanut butter I had to keep it out of the house for about a year. It is back in the house and my plan of action is to allow and enjoy 1 TBLS a day of peanut butter. I put it on top of my oatmeal so it gets all gooey and it is pure bliss for me. I think knowing that I will have it again the next day has freed me from that all or nothing mentality. I also eat it guilt free- which is wonderful!

    Now, for the cereal. I just can’t eat any cereal. I have tried and it ALWAYS starts binge like behavior. I just can’t stop. Therefore- I just can’t have it. *sigh*

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Sometimes it is just better to avoid it. And maybe some day after you have maintained for a long time, you can have those things in the house without it triggering something. It took me a long time and I definitely struggle once in awhile but for the most part my trigger foods don’t have as much power over me.

  4. Laura Jane

    My nemesis is sweets and homemade fresh breads! Oh my, if it weren’t for those things I’d probably be underweight! I just love sweets of any kind. I’ve gone back and forth between just totally eliminating them and moderation. Both approaches are difficult. Just tonight I was contemplating whether I should make myself a chocolate lava cake instead of eating dinner so I could have it and still stay under my calorie goal! I ate a healthy dinner instead and am planning to make myself a healthier version of chocolate mousse with Greek yogurt.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Haha! I don’t mean to laugh but I have so been there. In fact, just last night I asked Twitter if I could just eat cookies for dinner instead! I almost did, too. But I reigned it in and ate a REAL dinner (boo) and had some dessert. I was a little over my calories for the day but under 2,000 so I figured I was good.

      Sweets are a killer for me too. I wish I had a magic answer for you. Most days I can stay on top of it, but every once in awhile (like yesterday) I just want to go nuts with it.

  5. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hi Lisa. Great, thought provoking post. I think my nemisis is more savory, but a nemisis all the same. BTW…pears with goat cheese, nuts and honey sounds AMAZING to me. I’m putting that in the “try when company comes over” file. Hope you have a fantastic week.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      You MUST try the pears and goat cheese dessert! It was SO good. I want to make it again.

  6. Katie Squires

    Choc Chips….a bag in the freezer…one handful leads to another…one taste and I am screaming for more. BUT if I add those choc chips to something substantial and sit down and ENJOY them…I am good…its when I do it in a mindless pass by that I get into trouble.

    I love choc chips on top off choc chia seed pudding right now 🙂 (1/4 chia seeds, 1and 11/4 cups almond milk, 1TBSP of honey or agave nectar, 1-2 TBSP of coca powder…let sit for a min of 2 hours overnight is best) YUMMY!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Man, all you guys have some really great ideas on how to indulge in my nemesis!!! 🙂 Your idea sounds delicious. I discovered the wonderfulness of frozen chocolate a long time ago. It’s so good.

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