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It’s My Own Fault

It’s My Own Fault

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Meredith

    Your want to indulge in culinary exploration far more during the winter months makes sense to me! Not only are we seeing radically different vegetable offerings during the fall and winter months, but the insides of our homes are not so warm that the only dinner that seems inviting is one that does not add additional temperature to our home. I have found, personally, that I am prone to want to eat “out” much more during the summer months and leading into early fall – perhaps for the same reason?

    Again, thank you for posting. You inspire me greatly and there are many more times that I need it than I ever share. Glad to see you back at the gym!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you Meredith!

      It just feels so warm inside and it’s nice to be working in the kitchen when the leaves are falling outside. I’m the same way, I eat out a lot more during the summer time.

      Glad I can inspire you. πŸ™‚

  2. Marilyn @ Lipgloss and Spandex

    You look good, girlie! That geometric workout tank is fun.

    I’m trying really hard to ease back into working out, especially since I’m dealing with an injury that hasn’t gone away πŸ™

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh no!! It isn’t a running injury, is it?? I hope you feel better soon.

      I went out on a limb with that workout shirt (I got it on sale at JCPenney’s). It is definitely not my “norm.” Patterns and things that bring attention to me were never something I’d buy (but then that was because I didn’t want to bring attention to myself at 250 pounds).

      It’s funny that you wrote about the Nancy Upton stuff. I wrote a post about that and planned on posting it next week but I think I need a break from controversy for awhile. πŸ™‚

  3. Diane Fit to the Finish

    I’ve tried some new recipes from a Mayo Clinic cookbook I picked up at a yard sale. Some have been good, some – not so much!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I kinda like the trial and error of recipe trying. I like making something and trying out how to make it better.

  4. Jane Cartelli

    I have had Costochondritis since pregnant with my 2nd daughter in 1988. I was 300 pounds then and thought I was having a heart attack. Mostly it does not bother me but when I exercise and incorporate exercises that jars my chest more than others I feel it start. I hate that feeling.

    Yesterday I ran/walked 5.25 miles and today I ran/walked 3.35 miles. I am feeling shin pain tonight. Do you have a particular warm-up or stretch exercise that you do to get your shins acclimated to running/walking?


    1. Lisa Eirene

      Jane- how did you get rid of the chest issue? My doctor just tells me to take advil & use a heating pad. Which Iis what I’ve been doing all week! Ouch!

      As for shin splints–try getting fitted for shoes at a running store. It’s usually free. I find that I have weird aches when my shoes are starting to go bad.

      Or maybe you are stepping too hard?

      1. Jane Cartelli

        It takes awhile. You have to (groan) be patient with it. When I sleep on my side I have to place a pillow between my arms so my position does not put pressure on the affected areas. Picture yourself with your arms bending at the elbow, hands up and elbows and wrists touching in front of you. That position, while laying in bed is terrible for C-C. I use that position in my weight work out program (while standing) and I have to be very careful of my chest when doing it. I have never been able to move to the 15 lb weights for that position w/o causing a flair up.

        Thank you about the shoes. YES, it is time to get new ones and you just confirmed it for me. Thank you.


        1. Lisa Eirene

          And patience is not something I excel at. πŸ™‚

          As for the shoes….are you taking NSAIDs? Last year with my injury my doc prescribed me NSAIDs and I took them for about 10 days and realized I was having a reaction to them. My skin hurt, all of my limbs swelled and it hurt to take a single step. It felt like every time I walked I had shin splints. It was awful.

          1. Jane Cartelli

            No NSAIDs for me. Had that same reaction to them 2 years ago when I took them for my damaged knee.. I do better with heat wraps, hot showers, and massages. A glass of wine works sometimes, too. πŸ™‚

            PS – Thanks for the shoe suggestion. I have a link to you on my post today. πŸ™‚


          2. Lisa Eirene

            I had no idea what was going on. I thought my entire body was falling apart. Then I realized it was the meds. Yuck! I will never take them again.

            I checked out your post. That’s so great! Glad you are getting some new shoes. I hope it solves your problem.

  5. Samantha

    It’s true, when I haven’t lifted weights in a while I still start with the heaviest. But I soon relaize I can’t lift them and have to go back to my starting point about 2 kgs lighter.

    The other day I was working out so hard I nearly sprained my knee. I had to stop everything and just calm down. Injuring myself is not going to help.

    Thanks for the reminder Lisa, next time I won’t over exert my muscles and cause bad pain istead of good soreness.



    1. Lisa Eirene

      Ouch! I’m sorry you sprained your knee. I didn’t even know that was possible.

      I tried to go light on the weights the other day but when they were too easy I increased them when I shouldn’t have. Lesson learned!

  6. MizFit


    the regret part? Only rarely πŸ™‚


  7. Jess

    I generally just go hard and regret it the next day. I never regret it for longer than a day but I regret not going hard for much longer!!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      YES! I regret not pushing myself or half-assing it much more than when I’m sore.

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