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Positive Weekend

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Desiree

    Hello Lisa! I found that putting those TJ’s Veggie Masala burgers in the toaster oven for a good five minutes gives them a wonderfully crispy exterior with no added fat. They are delicious!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s a great idea. I will try that next time I cook it. Thanks for the tip!

      1. Lisa

        I cook my veggie burgers in the toaster oven also with good results. My technique is to toast from frozen for two cycles, flipping between cycles.

        1. Lisa Eirene

          Excellent! Glad to hear that the toaster oven works well. I will try that next time.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thanks! 🙂 She’s pretty cute.

  2. bethh

    I think it was smart to buy a few clothes that fit – no, you don’t want them to be your permanent wardrobe, but being uncomfortable in your clothes all day is not a good mental space to be in. It only adds to the misery!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I agree wholeheartedly! It was definitely hurting me mentally and making me feel defeated. I bought two pairs of pants and three shirts at Goodwill (and spent less than $30) and now I have some new (to me) clothes that don’t make me feel bad. I am just ignoring the label!

  3. Joy @ WhatIWeighToday

    I just wanted to say I feel this way all the time:

    “I felt resentful of (seemingly) everyone else on the planet that could eat and drink whatever they wanted and not worry about their weight.”

    It makes me into a pouty baby thinking how effortless is seems to be for other people.

  4. Jennifer

    Goodness, do I ever relate to feeling resentful of other people who can eat whatever they want. This is something I still struggle with, almost daily. But I’m glad that feeling isn’t plaguing you as much anymore. Sometimes when we find the right combination of small indulgences with eating healthfully more often, it clicks and those feelings go away. It can be so hard, though!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      It is hard to shake. You feel like you are missing out on something…

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