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Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and Glamour.com.

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  1. Chad Everett

    Very nice writeup!
    Re: QUESTION: How do you order smart in restaurants?
    I try to avoid ordering multiple fried items, such as a burger AND fries, or any similar variation. I also try to stay away from high carb/high calorie items like baked potatoes or desserts. That includes limiting myself to a single pint with dinner.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Those are good ones! I almost never order fries with a burger–will usually get the salad instead. Not because I’m denying anything but because I LIKE salad. We shy away from potatoes too. In fact, we made the switch last year from white potatoes to ONLY sweet potatoes or yams and now? We never eat them.

  2. Ali @ Peaches and Football

    It’s HARD. Plus sometimes the menu will have something that I know isn’t healthy but it sounds so delicious that I want to try it anyway. I do better if the restaurant is someplace I’ve been to before, so I can think of the healthy options ahead of time and plan what I am going to get.

    But, if it’s someplace new and that wonderful dish sounds too dreamy to pass up – get it, enjoy it, move on, and get back to the 90% right?

    1. Lisa Eirene

      I agree Ali. I usually go to a restaurant with a specific dish in mind (after doing research) and often get easily distracted by other goodies…

  3. Diane Fit to the Finish

    I go with simple foods without a lot of extras. No sauce on the chicken, hold the butter off the bread and let me add my own dressings!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Dressing on the side is a must! And not the creamy dressings either.

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