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Is Your Partner Losing Weight? They May Be Planning To Dump You

Is Your Partner Losing Weight? They May Be Planning To Dump You

Lisa Eirene

About Lisa Eirene Lisa lost 110 pounds through calorie counting and exercise. She swims, bikes, runs, hikes and is enjoying life in Portland, Oregon. Her weight loss story has been featured in First Magazine, Yahoo Health, Woman's Day and

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  1. Liz @ IHeartVegetables

    Aw, you guys are so cute! My boyfriend is actually SUPER skinny, even though he eats like crap, haha. I try to pretend it doesn’t bother me 😉

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Thank you Liz! You know, I had a boyfriend that was skin and bones a few times. It was maddening!!!

  2. Candace

    I read that article and at first it made me angry. But I do admit if it were my boyfriend losing weight, I’d feel threatened too. However, I’d also jump on the bandwagon and do it along with him. I told my boyfriend two years ago, when I was 38, that I did NOT want to turn 40 looking like crap. I want to be fit and thinner. I want him to stay attracted to me as we get older. So he had warning, and he’s had two years to get used to the idea.

    My boyfriend needs to lose about 50 lbs and is not doing anything to accomplish that. He does feel threatened and makes jokes about me cheating when my phone goes off. I’ve asked him to go out and walk with me, I’ve tried to get him to work out with me at home. I’ve told him many times I want to do it TOGETHER, not by myself. I love having that time alone with him. But he won’t budge and there is nothing I can do about it. He’ll have to trust my word. I will not change my lifestyle to put his fears at rest. It’s incredibly hard doing this when your partner is not on board at all, and worse, doesn’t encourage or support your efforts. Part of the reason I’m doing it is for HIM as well! I don’t think it’s fair to completely let yourself go just because you’re comfortable in your relationship. It’s like saying, you don’t deserve any better than this, I don’t even have to try anymore.

    Sorry for ranting – boy this struck a nerve in me all over again!

    1. Lisa Eirene

      Oh Candace! Sorry for striking a nerve.

      I’m sorry the big struggle in your relationship is whether or not he’ll lose weight. That is such a struggle. When we’re trying to lose weight and be healthy it’s easy to slip into old ways when our partners doesn’t want to do it too. When I first moved in with Michael I started eating pretty poorly because I was picking up his habits. I quickly realized that even if HE could eat massive portions and not gain weight, *I* could not.

      I think it’s really great that you are trying to get him to go for walks. I say keep doing it. And keep doing your thing to lose weight. Show him by example. Maybe he’ll start doing it on his own when he sees you successful!

  3. Lori

    My husband has always supported me, no matter what my weight. And he stuck with me through years of going up and down and being at 250! When I lost the weight this last time, I just did it and no matter what John brought into the house for himself, that was not meant to sabotage me, but I certainly wasn’t about to tell him he couldn’t have the food he wanted. I did ask him to hide certain foods (M&Ms) so that I wouldn’t eat them – which he did, and still does.

    He actually was inspired by me to go on and lose weight and I was really happy for him, although slightly annoyed at how fast it came off.

    1. Lisa Eirene

      That’s great that he supported you. And I’m with you–there are certain foods I need to NOT be in the house but I won’t tell Michael not to eat them. I just don’t want to know they are there. Recently he got a bag of M&Ms at Costco. Normally I would be upset and not want those in the house because it’s hard for me to resist. But this time I’m trying to just be good about measuring out 1/4 of a cup (serving size) of them only.

      And yes…it’s annoying how easy it is for them. Michael dropped 25 pounds in no time. If I remember correctly, that first week he was on the Slow Carb diet he lost over 10 pounds and I gained 1 pound. 😛

  4. Roz@weightingfor50

    Hi Lisa. I love the pics of you and Michael. I’m really lucky, my husband is supporting me and encouraging me as I take this journy to health. Not that he’ll work out with me, but he is supportive and proud of my efforts. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

  5. Anonymous

    Am so happy that i have got my love back through the help of a spell caster

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